When you buy lettuce at the supermarket, please do not start chomping pieces out of it before you get home. And when you do get home, here's what you need to do: Wash the lettuce.
This is because about 1 in 40 lettuces in the (U.K.) supermarket are carrying some kind of bacteria. And if you start recklessly chewing the stuff un-rinsed, and you are young, old, pregnant or any combination of same, you may feel slightly unwell. Or worse! Maybe quite unwell. Or dead. Depends on the bacteria.
Wash the lettuce.
Source: Daily Mail
This is one of those studies which connects two things (in this case: eating eggs and prostate cancer) whether they should be connected or not. They were looking for connections between meat and prostate cancer, ('they' being the good people at the Harvard School of Public Health, who cannot sit still for 10 minutes without knocking out one of these reports). Anyway, no such link was found on this occasion though they noticed a correlation between those men who eat 3 or more eggs a week and the cancer. However, Cancer Research UK wasn't getting sucked into this one, perhaps having read previous reports from this institution, and simply say that in general egg/cancer research 'results have been contradictory'.
This article (see below) is entitled: 'Beware Selenium - too much is harmful scientists warn'. I picture a scientist standing on the moors , lab-coat fluttering in the wind, moaning "Bewaaaaare!"
Now fair enough, Selenium can be good for you if you are lacking in Selenium. In other words, should you be unfortunate enough to suffer from a Selenium deficiency then by all means go out and buy some supplements to get you back on track. But for the rest of us - and I include myself only hesitantly in this group - taking extra Selenium may actually make you less healthy. So don't go diving into the Selenium jar, or sitting down in front of a movie with a big bowl of Selenium on your knees. You'll regret it later.

That being said, I have only one question:
What is Selenium?
Source: Irish Independent
Spending all day looking at those photos of your friends on the beach probably isn't great for you, especially if you have good-looking friends. This is because you see the carefully posed, reshot and edited photo that has been carefully selected to make said friend look just about as good as is humanly possible, and you start feeling bad about the way you look. As you may imagine, this is particularly a young female phenomena, as these body image things generally are. Stop looking at facebook teenage girls! It's making you depressed and anorexic; your friends are thinking exactly the same things as you anyway, so wise up!
Source: Miami Herald