Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Eating Cake for Breakfast Will Make You Thin

Tel Aviv university have come up with this cake-lovers dream diet.  Their experiment consisted of getting a load of fat people and putting them on strict low calorie diets.  Except one group was allowed to pig out on a big breakfast with dessert as part of their calorie allowance, while the other (less fortunate) bunch poked unenthusiastically at porridge and diet yogurt.  I like to picture them all sitting at one big table, split down the middle, with the cake-eaters slowly licking their spoons as they stare unswervingly at their fruit salad munching counterpart.  Well the cake eaters lost more weight at the end of it all, thus allowing fat people everywhere to justify eating Black Forest Gateaux with whipped cream at 7.45 in the morning.  Hurrah!

Source:  Canberra Times

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Popcorn: Better That Fruit (not really, but very good anyway)

Popcorn is 'the king' of snacks states a rather casually phrased report from the American Chemical Society meeting in California.  It's a big ball of grain, and has more antioxidants than some fruits and vegetables.  But don't just replace fruit and vegetables with popcorn, as this will not work out well in the long run.  Do replace potato chips and nachos and giant boxes of chocolate with popcorn.  Antioxidants are good for killing viruses in the blood and preventing certain cancers.  This article also claims that they fight aging, but prefaces this remark with the dubious sounding: "people say..".
Well these people say that you should eat more popcorn.

Source:  Toronto Star

Friday, February 1, 2013

Red Meat Makes You Happy

Don't worry about all that negative stuff you hear about red meat - stuff and nonsense!  In fact, if you are a woman and you are eating steak for lunch you will find that the birds start singing, the skies seem brighter, and you will be whistling a merry tune.  Because this study says that red meat eating Aussie sheilas benefit from improved mental health and reduced levels of depression.  Bring that cow over here!  Forget that vegetarian rubbish, and smile.