Saturday, September 7, 2013

Beer = Heart Medicine

I always like the ones where they point out the good in something that probably would only be obtainable on street corners had it been invented 10 years ago.  So yes, beer is good (again).   
This week.

The Greeks have come to this conclusion, Greeks at Harokopio University in Athens to be precise.  Conclusion being that beer is good for your blood vessels and can prevent heart disease.  Well, one beer can.  Far be it from my to cast aspersions on a study which espouses the benefits of alcohol, but to my untrained eye the sample size of 17 people seems a little on the low side.   Surely they could have wandered the streets of Athens and picked up a few more volunteers to drink some free beer?

But hey, let's go with it.  Beer is good for you!

Daily Mail