Sunday, April 7, 2013

Drinking Red Wine is Exactly Like Exercising

The Mayo clinic recently performed a Study where they hung up some rats by their back legs & then injected them with stuff to see what would happen.  Some of the stuff was stuff you can find in red wine, other stuff was not.  The rats given the red wine stuff did better out of the deal.  It was as if they'd been exercising instead of having been clamped by a bunch of scientist types.  Hence the optimistic claim in the news feed below that red wine is 'exercise in a bottle'.  Wow - what a world that would be!  I think we all want this to be true whilst knowing full well that it isn't.  I don't care how buff the wine ingredient drinking rats were, sitting on my sofa guzzling Merlot is just not going to give me those defined abs I'm after.

Source:  CBS News