Hands can spread disease you know. So stop shaking hands with people. Just give them a curt nod, ignore the outstretched hand, they'll drop it soon enough. Just stare 'em out. Don't let social pressures make you succumb to letting their armada of little germs bridge the gap over to you. Your body is your temple you know, so you might as well build a big giant invisible wall around it. In fact all temples should probably do this, just in case.
The British Olympic chief medical officer has brought this subject up, just in case you were wondering. Forget all that fair -play-good-chap business, he says. Don't let Johnny Foreigner weaken our stout British limbs with his virus ridden paws. Also stay away from mobile phones, as 1 in 6 of them is carrying faecal bugs. What are people doing with their phones?
Source: Guardian

Source: Guardian
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