Source: Pittsburgh Post Gazette
Thursday, December 27, 2012
Bouncing to Hospital
Source: Pittsburgh Post Gazette
Friday, December 7, 2012
Beer Belly? Not Good.
The good people at Harvard Medical School have done it again, discovering that drinking lots of beer may not be the best for your health. They tested a bunch of men in their mid thirties, and found out that the ones with beer bellies are turning their bones into dust. The picture above is the exact one the Daily Mail used to illustrate this report, so I hope they don't mind me reproducing it above. I hope this gent was handsomely remunerated for donating his image. Anyway, long story short, if you drink so much beer that you are buying your pants in the large man's store then don't expect good things to happen.
Source: Daily Mail
Source: Daily Mail
Friday, November 30, 2012
High Heels, Short Toes
According to the Boston Globe some women are getting little toes surgically removed so as to fit into elegantly tailored high heeled shoes. Now as any half-way sensible person will tell you, this is a less than wonderful idea. Is it really worth a lifetime of gimping around the place for the sake of squashing your foot into clearly inappropriate footwear for a sequence of evenings out in your twenties and early thirties? You know you're only going to be slobbing around the place in those big clompily comfortable trainers when you've got a couple of kids and your idea of a big night out is a bottle of wine and the X Factor final. I sincerely hope that this story falls under the category of Urban Legend.
Source: Boston Globe
Source: Boston Globe
Thursday, September 6, 2012
No Yolking Matter
Eggs are bad for you again. Particularly the tasty yellow part of the egg. It's "Worse Than Smoking Cigarettes" (for people over 40, and only if the 'worse' part refers specifically to the rate of thickening of arteries. Plus it's not actually quite as bad as smoking cigarettes).
Based upon this article, the scientific community is confused about eggs. It doesn't quite know what to make of them. For hundreds of years they were fine, up until the point at which people started to realise that eating some types of food isn't always good for your health. Then they were awful for a number of years, until they were pretty much fine again, and now not so much.
Hope that helps.
Source: Chicago Tribune
Based upon this article, the scientific community is confused about eggs. It doesn't quite know what to make of them. For hundreds of years they were fine, up until the point at which people started to realise that eating some types of food isn't always good for your health. Then they were awful for a number of years, until they were pretty much fine again, and now not so much.
Hope that helps.
Source: Chicago Tribune
Friday, August 31, 2012
Lettuce. Deadly, Killer Lettuce.

This is because about 1 in 40 lettuces in the (U.K.) supermarket are carrying some kind of bacteria. And if you start recklessly chewing the stuff un-rinsed, and you are young, old, pregnant or any combination of same, you may feel slightly unwell. Or worse! Maybe quite unwell. Or dead. Depends on the bacteria.
Wash the lettuce.
Source: Daily Mail
Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Source: Daily Mail
Avoid Selenium
This article (see below) is entitled: 'Beware Selenium - too much is harmful scientists warn'. I picture a scientist standing on the moors , lab-coat fluttering in the wind, moaning "Bewaaaaare!"
Now fair enough, Selenium can be good for you if you are lacking in Selenium. In other words, should you be unfortunate enough to suffer from a Selenium deficiency then by all means go out and buy some supplements to get you back on track. But for the rest of us - and I include myself only hesitantly in this group - taking extra Selenium may actually make you less healthy. So don't go diving into the Selenium jar, or sitting down in front of a movie with a big bowl of Selenium on your knees. You'll regret it later.

That being said, I have only one question:
What is Selenium?
Source: Irish Independent
Now fair enough, Selenium can be good for you if you are lacking in Selenium. In other words, should you be unfortunate enough to suffer from a Selenium deficiency then by all means go out and buy some supplements to get you back on track. But for the rest of us - and I include myself only hesitantly in this group - taking extra Selenium may actually make you less healthy. So don't go diving into the Selenium jar, or sitting down in front of a movie with a big bowl of Selenium on your knees. You'll regret it later.

That being said, I have only one question:
What is Selenium?
Source: Irish Independent
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
Facebook is Bad for You
Spending all day looking at those photos of your friends on the beach probably isn't great for you, especially if you have good-looking friends. This is because you see the carefully posed, reshot and edited photo that has been carefully selected to make said friend look just about as good as is humanly possible, and you start feeling bad about the way you look. As you may imagine, this is particularly a young female phenomena, as these body image things generally are. Stop looking at facebook teenage girls! It's making you depressed and anorexic; your friends are thinking exactly the same things as you anyway, so wise up!
Source: Miami Herald
Source: Miami Herald
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
Wine. This week it's Bad for you.
Yes, that's right. A glass of wine a day is now bad for you again, after being good for you for a couple of years. *sigh* It was good while it lasted. Now Oxford University tells us that we need to cut down from a glass of wine a day to 'half a small glass of wine'. Let's face it, that's not going to happen is it. Who is going to settle down of an evening on the couch, crack open a bottle of Merlot, and pour themselves 'half a small glass' when they sit down in front of the repeat of 'Desperate Housewives'. Unlikely.
Source: UK Independent
Source: UK Independent
Thursday, July 5, 2012
Lazy Slobs of the World: Rejoice!
Yes, this study reckons that Exercise is bad for you. Large individuals on straining couches nod knowingly: this was what they have been trying to tell people for years. Hang on though fatties, it's not quite that simple. The "heart scarring" referred to in this article applies only to marathon runners and triathletes, not people going down the gym a couple of times a week. Keep wishing.
Source: Sydney Morning Herald
Source: Sydney Morning Herald
Monday, July 2, 2012
Your Shampoo is Poisoned! Look Out!

So I guess the message here is: don't drink too much shampoo. Just one glass a day, and for God's sake don't start binge drinking at the weekend.
Source: Chicago Sun Times
Monday, June 4, 2012
White Rice Causes Diabetes (Maybe)
Bad Luck Asian people of Planet Earth. If you eat white rice there's a small increase in the likelihood of your developing type 2 diabetes. On the bright side however, eating brown rice means that there will be a small decrease in the likelihood of developing type 2 diabetes.
Maybe mush them up in the bowl together next time? That should balance you out. The nutritionist at the Medical Research unit in Cambridge does point out that this study "does not show or prove that white rice consumption causes diabetes", which makes me wonder why they bothered with the thing in the first place.
Source: Independent (U.K.)

Source: Independent (U.K.)
Sunday, May 27, 2012
Put Down the Cinnamon Shaker!
Over in the Great United States, those crazy teens have come up with a new game where they dare each other to swallow a spoonful of cinnamon without any water or liquid. To me it sounds like the kind of thing the wussiest frat house in the world might come up with. Or maybe a thing a bunch of Mormon kids might do instead of chugging back litres of beer.
However, Dr Alvin of the Rocky Mountain Poison and Drug Centre is alarmed by this trend. "Don't mess with cinnamon kids", he implores, "just say no!" (I'm paraphrasing). The poison centre has been inundated with calls this year (number of calls: 139; population of U.S.: 313,326,000) enquiring about cinnamon. From these, it was suggested that 30 go see their doctor, just to be on the safe side.
Consider yourself warned.
Source: Los Angeles Times
However, Dr Alvin of the Rocky Mountain Poison and Drug Centre is alarmed by this trend. "Don't mess with cinnamon kids", he implores, "just say no!" (I'm paraphrasing). The poison centre has been inundated with calls this year (number of calls: 139; population of U.S.: 313,326,000) enquiring about cinnamon. From these, it was suggested that 30 go see their doctor, just to be on the safe side.
Consider yourself warned.
Source: Los Angeles Times
Thursday, May 17, 2012
Takeaway Pizza is Unhealthy - Whatever Next?
People are eating a lot of takeaway pizzas, and Big Ones at that. Often with spicy wedges, garlic bread and litres of coke on the side. Now apparently this is not good for you. Yes, it's a surprise alright but there we have it. So next time you find yourself slumped on the sofa, extra-large pizza box dripping grease onto your lap, think twice: This is NOT health food. Perhaps this is the wake up call we required, because too many people have been assuming that ordering a 16 inch pepperoni pizza with garlic fries three times a week forms a natural part of a healthy and balanced diet. And worse, further revelations reveal that those garlic fries do NOT constitute one of your 5-a-day. Think again people.
Source: Irish Independent
Source: Irish Independent
Thursday, May 10, 2012
Some Famous Soft Drinks are a bit Cancer-y

Source: Independent UK
Friday, May 4, 2012
Less Sleep Makes You Fat

Anyway, they tried to replicate patterns of sleep which shift workers would get (down to about 5 and a half hours a night/day and changing times) and it's not good for your health and can bring on diabetes and/or slow your metabolism.
'Getting enough sleep is important for health', says Orfeu M. Buxton Phd and BWH neuroscientist, possibly thumping his desk for added effect, and I for one am not going to argue with him.
Source: Times of India
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Being an Astronaut is Bad for your Eyes
Now this story was picked up worldwide by all sorts of newspapers - I just happened to read it on 'The Australian' site. Which begs the question: to whom exactly is this an important issue? Of the (roughly) 7,000,000,000 people wandering around the planet, there are possibly 25 of them who may be directly affected by these findings. Are you liable to be blasting out of the clammy embrace of the earth's orbit anytime soon? And if so, are you planning on being gone for long? If the answer to both of these questions is 'yes', then you may wish to schedule a visit to Vision Express on your return, as you may (possibly) have damaged your eyes a little bit.
Everyone else can relax.
Source: The Australian
Everyone else can relax.
Source: The Australian
Friday, April 20, 2012
Cleaning the House May Rob You of Your Senses

Source: Daily Mail
Monday, April 16, 2012
Junk Food = Junk Sperm
Food preceded by the word 'junk' can be relied upon to be pretty unhealthy. You would - quite rightly - assume that it is bad for you in a number of different ways. As such, it will come as little surprise to discover that stuffing your face with McBurgers will not result in lovely shiny new sperm. The burgers and chips and takeaways will in fact lower your sperm count. So eat fish if you want more sperm. If you're not worried either way, then phone up some food people and when they deliver, just pour some melted cheese over whatever turns up in the little plastic tray.
Source: Daily Mirror
Source: Daily Mirror
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Maybe Vitamins Aren't Good For You(?)
The article I took this from was 'in conversation' with a Dietician. Now of course Dietician is not a proper job title, ranking instead alongside such path-breakers as Feng-Shui advisors, Interior Designers, Life Planners and Psychotherapists as first ones to be chucked off the life raft in emergency situations. Or possibly eaten. Anyway, this dietician is loathe to give any concrete answers to questions rather than intimating that, yes, too much of certain types of vitamins may pose minor health risks to certain people. And don't rely on multivitamin pills because we are all special little snowflakes with different vitamin requirements. She concludes with the revelatory news that it's a good idea to follow a healthy and balanced diet incorporating fruits and vegetables! "We are capable of healing in a natural way", she says, (in my mind she's probably making some earnest hand-cupping gesture as she says this, head tilted to one side), "if we give our body what it needs to heal".
I have nothing more to add.
Source: Dallas Morning News
I have nothing more to add.
Source: Dallas Morning News
Sunday, April 8, 2012
Ukranian Tick Alert

Look: let's be honest here. There is a football competition on in Ukraine and Poland this year, and the Daily Mail has jumped at the chance to use the expression 'watch your tackle'. They have even gone so far as to suggest that "England and Ireland football supporters have been warned to 'watch their tackle' in this summer's Euros..." I will tell you now that Nobody Anywhere in the wide world has issued a statement suggesting that football fans 'watch their tackle'. And to be frank, it really isn't even a half-decent link to football in the first place, not to mention that "Watch your tackle!" is not a phrase heard on a football pitch, except in the mind of the nerdish individual who came up with this shoddy piece. Disappointing journalism really, from what is normally such a high-minded publication.
Source: Daily Mail
Friday, April 6, 2012
Cereal Bars. Nope.
What could possibly be the harm in these awful-looking, dried-out, knobbly slabs of squashed grains. Surely these things must be good for your health, at least. Surely.
No, of course they aren't good for you. Cereal bars have too much sugar in them, or else a lot of fats, or else both. Whereas milk can 'wash away' sugar (just how scientific was this study...), in cereal bar form you are choking down every last molecule. How can you even bear to look at yourself in the mirror? You disgust me, wolfing down Mars Tracker Banana Bars like a wild animal.
Source: BBC website
No, of course they aren't good for you. Cereal bars have too much sugar in them, or else a lot of fats, or else both. Whereas milk can 'wash away' sugar (just how scientific was this study...), in cereal bar form you are choking down every last molecule. How can you even bear to look at yourself in the mirror? You disgust me, wolfing down Mars Tracker Banana Bars like a wild animal.
Source: BBC website
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
Women of a Certain Age - Fear the Cakes
A new 'eating fatty foods is bad for you' study has emerged from the United States. Thank Goodness! This one is aimed squarely at post-menopausal women, this particular demographic perhaps having been neglected somewhat in the past. Well anyway, cakes and fried foods are bad for you lot as well, just in case you thought you had some sort of immunity. Sorry. Stuffing your faces with trans-fats is not going to do much for your prospects of finishing that marathon, hot flushes or no. The University of North Carolina School of Public Health has done a Study, so you know it's true. Those guys don't mess around.
Source: Times of Malta
Source: Times of Malta
Monday, April 2, 2012
Fast Food Makes You Sad
If you fill your face with hamburgers, hotdogs and and pizza all the time, it's not going to do you any good. According to Research, you are probably also a single smoker who works a lot and then goes home and sits on the couch feeling depressed. Now this seems like a bit of a chicken and egg situation here. Which came first, the low paying job with long hours and no exercise, or the fast food? The being single, or the fast food? But as usual this type of Research can be twisted around to suit whichever media corporation is publishing it, hence fast food = depression.
Source: Irish Independent
Source: Irish Independent
Friday, March 30, 2012
Don't Drink Alcohol. (Or Coffee, or Soda, even the Diet Version)

Source: Chicago Tribune
Friday, March 23, 2012
Australian Suburb Killer!

Inconsiderate Australian local planning committees: hang your heads in shame. You are murdering innocent Aussies!
Source: The Age
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Shaking Hands is Bad For You
Hands can spread disease you know. So stop shaking hands with people. Just give them a curt nod, ignore the outstretched hand, they'll drop it soon enough. Just stare 'em out. Don't let social pressures make you succumb to letting their armada of little germs bridge the gap over to you. Your body is your temple you know, so you might as well build a big giant invisible wall around it. In fact all temples should probably do this, just in case.
The British Olympic chief medical officer has brought this subject up, just in case you were wondering. Forget all that fair -play-good-chap business, he says. Don't let Johnny Foreigner weaken our stout British limbs with his virus ridden paws. Also stay away from mobile phones, as 1 in 6 of them is carrying faecal bugs. What are people doing with their phones?
Source: Guardian

Source: Guardian
Sunday, March 18, 2012
Bread is Salty. Salty is Bad. Bread is Bad.
Guess what's the number one source of salt in the American diet. Go on guess, you'll never... yes it is bread - obviously - it's in the title of this post. Fair enough. 'Potato chips' (or 'crisps', as non-American people call them) only come tenth on the list. This seems wrong, and of course technically it is. The actual point is that people eat more bread than, for example, popcorn, and as a result they hoover up more sodium from bread than anything else. Sodium gives you high blood pressure and this is generally looked upon as a bad thing by the medical profession. Hence we have a news article suggesting that bread is liable to give you a heart attack in the morning.
Source: Dallas Morning News
Source: Dallas Morning News
Saturday, March 17, 2012
Toast Makes You Look Old
Yeah, you heard me.
Stop eating that toast, it's full of AGEs (that's Advanced Glycation End Products). These cause wrinkling and pigmentation of skin. Apparently. How ironic, that such a chronic condition should have such a nifty little acronym! Almost as if the Scientists who discovered the condition were somehow In Cahoots with the anti-aging products gang. But I can't believe a Scientist would stoop so low. So yeah, toast makes you look Ancient, so stop wearing those skinny jeans & tight t-shirts - you're just embarrassing yourself Grandad. And there are AGES seeping out of your coffee and croissant too, so don't think you can get away with them either you wrinkly old fart.
Source: Sydney Morning Herald
Stop eating that toast, it's full of AGEs (that's Advanced Glycation End Products). These cause wrinkling and pigmentation of skin. Apparently. How ironic, that such a chronic condition should have such a nifty little acronym! Almost as if the Scientists who discovered the condition were somehow In Cahoots with the anti-aging products gang. But I can't believe a Scientist would stoop so low. So yeah, toast makes you look Ancient, so stop wearing those skinny jeans & tight t-shirts - you're just embarrassing yourself Grandad. And there are AGES seeping out of your coffee and croissant too, so don't think you can get away with them either you wrinkly old fart.
Source: Sydney Morning Herald
Thursday, March 15, 2012
Ice Cream is More Addictive than Crack Cocaine

No I will NOT give you 50 cents for bus fare. I know what you'd do with that money...
Source: Irish Independent
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
Semi-Skimmed Milk is a Waste of Space
You're better off drinking the real stuff - the milk referred to as 'full fat', in a blatant attempt to scare off dieting women. In fact 'real' milk isn't that fatty at all, certainly not compared to - for example - a cake, and the low fat stuff isn't going to help you lose any weight because the difference is so tiny that you'd need to be sucking cows dry on a daily basis to notice a difference. (Nice mental image). And by removing or reducing the small amount of fat found in the cream, you also remove most of the vitamins and minerals along with it. And what's the point in drinking milk at all if you're going to do that?
Source: Daily Mail
Source: Daily Mail
Monday, March 12, 2012
Red Meat is Bad for You
If you eat even small quantities of processed meat - like those delicious sausages and bacon strips you like - you will probably die earlier than you otherwise would have. That's what a Study from Harvard has deduced, and everyone knows that people from Harvard are very, very clever indeed. Don't eat red meat. Try to avoid it completely, or else make it an 'occasional part of your diet'. In fact if you replace the red meat you currently stuff your fat face with with whole-grains or something similar, you will live longer. Some may wonder what type of a barren existence this would be, but there it is.
The Harvard folk say that if we persist in our processed red meat eating, we are 21% more likely to get heart disease and 10% more likely to get cancer. Suspiciously precise figures which have nevertheless been repeated unquestioningly by the hundreds of newspapers worldwide which 'covered' this story. 'Covered' as in 'regurgitated'. By the way, if I am not to die of heart disease or cancer - how exactly am I going to go? Duck hunting accident? Tragi-comic piano crushing from above? Maybe the Harvard guys know.
Source: Irish Independent (& every other paper in the world)
The Harvard folk say that if we persist in our processed red meat eating, we are 21% more likely to get heart disease and 10% more likely to get cancer. Suspiciously precise figures which have nevertheless been repeated unquestioningly by the hundreds of newspapers worldwide which 'covered' this story. 'Covered' as in 'regurgitated'. By the way, if I am not to die of heart disease or cancer - how exactly am I going to go? Duck hunting accident? Tragi-comic piano crushing from above? Maybe the Harvard guys know.
Source: Irish Independent (& every other paper in the world)
Sunday, March 11, 2012
Soft Drinks are Bad For You
According to a Study, drinking a can of soda a day will increase your risk of heart disease by 20%. If you are a man. This particular study was a men-only affair, probably due to some undisclosed bias on the part of the surveyors. The 'study leader' is a professor at Harvard - or at least the Harvard School of Public Health, which you, I and everyone else on the planet assumes is the same thing. And maybe it is. But anyway this professor and his team (of students?) have come to the conclusion that even one can of Popsi or Cake per day and you massively increase the chances of your heart packing it in. Or in other words, carbonated drinks containing large amounts of sugar and various other unpronounceable chemicals are bad for your health. Thanks Harvard Professor!
Source: Irish Independent
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