Sunday, March 18, 2012

Bread is Salty. Salty is Bad. Bread is Bad.

Guess what's the number one source of salt in the American diet.  Go on guess, you'll never... yes it is bread - obviously - it's in the title of this post.  Fair enough.  'Potato chips' (or 'crisps', as non-American people call them) only come tenth on the list.  This seems wrong, and of course technically it is.  The actual point is that people eat more bread than, for example, popcorn, and as a result they hoover up more sodium from bread than anything else.  Sodium gives you high blood pressure and this is generally looked upon as a bad thing by the medical profession.  Hence we have a news article suggesting that bread is liable to give you a heart attack in the morning.

Source:  Dallas Morning News

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